Love and peace in the time of Coronavirus

Photo courtesy: The Beatles Story Liverpool

Photo courtesy: The Beatles Story Liverpool

From the Australian bushfires to the pandemic of coronavirus (COVID-19), 2020 has certainly not gone the way any of us thought it would (except perhaps the directors of the film with the same name). And it’s one that has many of us pretty damn scared to say the least.

It would certainly seem to be on par with the Black Plague of the medieval times in terms of how fearful it has made us (though fortunately not quite as deadly), given how widespread and frightening the media coverage of it has been. However, bear in mind that this is not discounting the lethal nature of the disease which has ravaged across China, Iran, South Korea and Italy - and many countries and cities are deploying measures to lock down and keep this virus out.

So what exactly can we do except wear those plague masks from way back when and try to lessen our own stress and anxiety in this time of pandemic?

I’ve devised a little list of Seven Steps for how we can keep going in this tricky time, especially if this means we have to go into self-isolation and work from home to protect ourselves and others.

Step One: Don’t panic

Yes it is scary and no there isn’t an easy solution in sight (yet!). However, from the mass panic-buying that has been sweeping across the world (toilet paper hoarding anyone?) it’s very natural to go with the herd and be swept up in a panicked frame of mind. If you are genuinely anxious and suffer from anxiety like myself, it can really wreck havoc on your mindset. So just remember, when you’re reading the news or hearing about it, I encourage you to breathe and hold that breath for 1…2…3…4…5 slow breaths, and then ease it out. This too shall pass and it’s about making sure that you check your mental state of mind and take a moment for yourself when things become overwhelmingly negative.

Step Two: Explore a new hobby

Thought about reading a bit more but never really done it? Why not start! Perhaps writing has been something you’ve dabbled in a little but never committed to? Or maybe you’ve had a ukelele sitting in your room that’s just begging to be played? Whatever it might be, just give yourself the opportunity to try something a little new.

Step Three: Change your attitude

This is easier said than done, or is it? I’ve been reading this amazing book by Dean Graziosi and it’s undoubtedly changed my life on many, many levels. The point I’m addressing here is how by simply adjusting your attitude to life, you can make a day, for example, simply AMAZING or downright crap.

Think about this for a moment: It’s a Monday morning. You woke up a bit late, you’re stuck in crazy traffic trying to get to work, and then the heavens open and you get absolutely soaked. Not ideal, right? Honestly this would make anyone want to throw their hands up and scream. You could absolutely sit there and feel sorry for yourself and moan about it for the rest of the day to anyone and everyone who will listen. Or, you could find somewhere where you could dry your clothes, get yourself a nice cup of steaming hot coffee and tell yourself, “If I can get through this, I can get through anything.”

Step Four: Show your loved ones you care

If it does turn out that we all need to be self-isolated for however long, it is so important that you remember to show your loved ones that you genuinely care about them, even if you can’t see them physically. Whether that’s having a FaceTime or Skype call with your friends, calling or leaving them a simple message, it all means a lot. Even in the wake of a pandemic such as the one we are all experiencing now, don’t lose touch with friends and family, and let them know you care.

Step Five: Give yoga a try!

Many of my friends can attest to this that I am constantly harping on about how great yoga is (it’s also the reason why I’m featuring the very famous photo of The Beatles in Rishikesh above!) Undoubtedly, practicing yoga is one of the best physical forms of exercise and fitness you can do, and it is so beneficial for your mental well-being. The great thing is you don’t even have to leave the house to do it (although I do recommend you take a class to understand the positions better so you aren’t practicing the poses incorrectly!)

From loosening up tight muscles if you’ve had a long day at work to just chilling out with some smooth beats to get away from the negativity of the media, I highly encourage you to try a yoga class from one of my favourite apps, Down Dog, to see just how easy and fun it is.

Step Six: Practice gratitude

It’s easy to become self-absorbed and have the ‘every man/woman for him/herself’ mindset in times of crisis. Something that I’ve been doing recently that has really changed my mentality has been practicing gratitude, usually just before I go to bed. List about 10 things that you’re grateful for that day; it doesn’t need to be complicated, it can be as simple as the following:

  1. I’m grateful for the roof over my head

  2. I’m grateful for a strong and healthy body

  3. I’m grateful to have a family who love me

  4. I’m grateful to be blessed with the greatest friends in the world

  5. I’m grateful to have a job that I love

  6. I’m grateful to wake up and live another day

  7. I’m grateful to have traveled so much of the world

  8. I’m grateful to be disciplined with myself

  9. I’m grateful to live where I do

  10. I’m grateful to be happy

Step Seven: Put on your favourite record

I know that whenever times got tough for me that I turned to music to help me cope. I remember picking up my copy of Exile On Main St by the Rolling Stones and listening to it on repeat after a family crisis had occurred. I have no idea why, but it resonated so much with me then and made the days a little easier to manage. Whatever that special record might be for you, I would highly encourage you to go grab it when you’re feeling a little down, amp up your Spotify or iTunes playlist and just listen to the music. If the news is making you upset, turn if off. It’s important to be in the know of how to combat this, but at the same time, you’ve got to take your mental well-being as your first priority.

I hope that these seven little steps help you feel more at ease during this time of uncertainly. Don’t forget to take a moment for yourself to breathe, express gratitude, try something new and most importantly, not to panic.

We will get through this together, this too shall pass.


Sweet Jams and Relaxation, Coming Right Up!


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